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Baruch Dayan Ha'Emet - Passing of Co-Founder George Caplan Z"l
(R to L - Sitting George Caplan Z"l and Rabbi Richard Levy Z"l | Standing: Rabbi Michelle Missagieh and Rabbi Elliot Dorff)
With heavy hearts we mourn the passing of Co-Founder George Caplan. George supported the Bet Din in honor of his late wife Sandra Caplan Z"l. His oldest daughter, Elana Jassy, who has been a member of our Trustees, said of him "He was so proud of the Sandra Caplan Bet Din and loved working with you and everyone else." Funeral details are forthcoming.
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Rabbis Richard Levy and Elliot Dorff, founders of theBet Din. | The Sandra Caplan Community Bet Din of Southern California was founded in 2002 on the premise that conversion to Judaism can and ought to be an experience that transcends denominations. The organization adheres to standards that have been endorsed by the Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist and transdenominational movements. It is directed by a professional rabbinate that guides and welcomes conversion candidates with sensitivity and gentleness. Learn More